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PROUD Experiences
PROUD Experiences is the world’s first event dedicated to inclusivity and the LGBTQ+ travel community, a group that spends some $218 billion globally each year. In addition to creating engaging onsite media programmes year on year, Spotlight continues to reach whole new segments of international journalists interested in developing content about LGBTQIA+ travel and lifestyle […]
Cvent is a leading meetings, events and hospitality technology provider, empowering event planners, marketers, hoteliers and travel professionals around the world to streamline processes, increase collaboration and deliver more impactful experiences. Since we first started working together in 2016, Spotlight’s deep industry expertise and extensive B2B media contacts have played a critical part in Cvent’s […]
International Golf Travel Market (IGTM) is the premier annual event for the golf travel industry, bringing together golf tourism suppliers, industry agents and international press. Working with the team at Spotlight has helped to transform the media programme for IGTM. The engagement between the media, the exhibitors and the buyers has never been better, and […]