spotlight services

we deliver tangible
and impactful results

As a PR agency with a truly international reach, Spotlight Communications creates both consumer and B2B travel editorial opportunities that add value to our clients’ business propositions within their target markets. Through targeted, persona-driven tactics and approaches, we deliver tangible and impactful results for our clients.

our approach

Spotlight Communications: our approach - we relate

we relate

We immerse ourselves into your brand to understand your goals and needs before preparing our strategy, sharing our vision and setting our targets.

Spotlight Communications: our approach - we create

we create

We create proactive action plans and develop a programme of story-telling themes for our media stay, media relations and digital strategies. We also have the connections to build tactical partnerships and alliances to leverage your brand.

Spotlight Communications: our approach - we connect

we connect

We reach out to your target media, influencers and partners across your focus markets to leverage our connections and achieve top-tier coverage in both sector-specific and mainstream areas.

Spotlight Communications: our approach - we amplify

we amplify

We lead the conversations, make the headlines and develop your brand voice across traditional and digital media, providing ongoing support, continual feedback and regular reviews.

We understand that impactful public relations and a comprehensive digital strategy require more than just a great story. The Spotlight team combines thoughtful scrutiny and positive creativity with competitive analysis and a collaborative approach.

We deliver comprehensive, multi-channel campaigns, time after time through:

  • International media relations
  • Digital & influencer campaigns
  • Luxury hotel launches
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Destination PR
  • Media stays & events
  • Industry relations
  • Business travel & MICE PR
  • Thought leadership
  • Crisis management

current clients

Spotlight Communications Travel & Event PR - Client Testimonials